Vintage Hawaiian Collection
Browse All Hawaii Vintage Art
Cattleya, Pink Orchid Tropical Flowers
Frank Oda (Hale Pua Studio)
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Waikiki, Hawaii - Surf Riders - Los Angeles Steamship Company - Diamond Head Crater
Kerne Erickson
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Hawaiian Hula Dance in Action - Carte postale
Ray Jerome Baker
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Breadfruit Hawaii - Bookplate from Etchings and Drawings of Hawaiians
John Melville Kelly
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Hello, Aloha! How are You? - Hawaiian Fox Trot Song
Vintage Sheet Music Cover
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Hawaiian Girl and Feather War God Tiki - American President Lines
Don Clever
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Portrait of Hilo Hattie - Native Hawaiian singer, hula dancer, actress and comedienne
Benny (Benji) Whittle
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Queen Lili'uokalani (Liliuokalani) of Hawai'i (1838-1917)
Vintage Hawaiian Postcard
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Aloha from Hawaii - Famous Surf Riders
Vintage Hawaiian Postcard
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Christmas in Hawaii - Dinner Menu Cover
Vintage Hawaiiana Illustration
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Native Hawaiians Pounding Poi, Honolulu - T.H. Territory of Hawaii
Vintage Hawaiian Postcard
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Elvis Presley in Blaues (Blue) Hawaii - Movie Poster
Rolf Goetze
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Hawaii - Hawaiian Hula Dancers at the Beach
Pacifica Island Art
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Ka-La 'The Sun' Brand, Pineapple Label
Vintage Hawaiian Can Label
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Honolulu Harbor Hawaii Boat Days - Hula Girls Greeting Passengers - c. 1930's
Vintage Ocean Liner Travel Poster
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Paradise of the Pacific Magazine, Hawaii - Outrigger
Vintage Hawaiian Magazine Cover
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Waikiki - Outrigger Canoe - Outrigger Hotel - Honolulu Beach
Vintage Travel Poster
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Hawaiian Coat of Arms - Motto - Ua Mau Ke Ea Ka Aina Ika Pono - The Life of the Land is Preserved by Righteousness
Vintage Hawaiian Postcard
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Hawaii - Psychedelic Flower Power Art - c. 1960's
Vintage Hawaiian Travel Poster
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Polynesian Culture - Weapons and Design, Pre-contact Hawaiian Artifacts including Spears, Feather Capes and Tikis
Vintage Hawaiian Illustration
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Hawaiian Hula Girl under the Full Moon
Vintage Hawaiiana Illustration
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
First Mate - Sailboat Sailor Pin Up Girl - Brown & Bigelow Company
Earl Moran
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Pictorial Map of the State of Hawaii - Hawaiian Airlines Route Map
Vintage Airline Travel Poster
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Pomp and Circumstance, Hawaiian Traditional Ceremony
Eugene Savage
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Kamehameha III, Hawaiian King
Vintage Hawaiian King Portrait (1813-1854)
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
The Surf-Rider Hawaii, Girl with Surfboard
Vintage Hawaiian Photography
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
The Story of Hawaii, Tourist Bureau booklet
John Melville Kelly
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Duke Kahanamoku and Friends on Waikiki Beach, Honolulu, Hawaii
Vintage Hawaiian Photography
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Hibiscus Beach Day - Waikiki Beach - Red Hibiscus
Kerne Erickson
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Aloha Moonrise - Hula Girl - Full Moon over Diamond Head Crater
Kerne Erickson
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Aloha Hawaii - Hula Girl Playing Ukulele - Mokoli'i Island (Chinaman's Hat)
Kerne Erickson
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Waikiki Beach, Hawaii - Moana Hotel - Diamond Head Crater
Kerne Erickson
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Los Angeles Steamship Company - Hawaii, Dancing Hula Girl
Vintage Menu Cover
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Gold Medalist Swimmer and Amabassador of Aloha - Duke Kahanamoku
Vintage Hawaiian Photography
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Duke Kahanamoku and Friends - Cigarette Card
Vintage Hawaiian Photography
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Climbing for Coconuts - Boy climbing a Coconut Tree, Lahaina, Maui
Ray Jerome Baker
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Marion - Topless Hawaiian Girl - from Etchings and Drawings of Hawaiians
John Melville Kelly
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Pink Cattleya Orchid Flower - Hale Pua Studio Hawaii
Frank Oda
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
She's Tops! - Famous Pin-Up Model Jewel Flowers
Rolf Armstrong
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Heliconia - Color Book Plate from - In An Old Hawaiian Garden
Ted Mundorff
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Hawaii South Seas Australia - Streamship SS Sonoma - c. 1927
Daniel C. Sweeney
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Pala, South Seas Topless Native Hawaiian Girl - Oceanic S.S. Co. Line to Hawaii, Samoa and Australia
Vintage Menu Cover
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98