Vintage World Travel Posters
Ottomar Anton Collection
Artists Biographies

Ottomar Carl Joseph Anton (1895-1976)
Ottomar Anton was a German painter, graphic artist and high school teacher who lived in Hamburg. He attended the State School of Applied Arts, today's University of Fine Arts Hamburg.
He completed his education by the experiences he gathered in the poster printing company Arno Kypke, where he was the head of the art studio after the First World War.
In 1921 he started his own business as a graphic artist. He took extended trips to Scandinavia, Southern Europe and North Africa to pursue art studies and immersed himself in those foreign cultures.
He is most famous for the works he created from the mid 1920's and onwards. He designed numerous posters for various cruise lines, such as Cunard Line, Hamburg -America Line, Hamburg Süd, and the German Zeppelin-Reederei. His work is highly sought after by collectors.
Hamburg America Line (HAPAG) - Weinachts und Silvesterfahrt (Christmas And New Year's Eve Trips) - Nach den Atlantischen Inseln (After the Atlantic Islands)
Ottomar Anton
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Hamburg Amerika Linie, Croisieres en Mediterranee
Ottomar Anton
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Europa Südamerika Westküste (Europe to South America West Coast) - Steamship S.S. Patria - Hamburg-Amerika Linie (Hamburg-American Line) HAPAG
Ottomar Anton
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Hamburg America Line: HAPAG Nach der Westkuste Sudamerikas
Ottomar Anton
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Also in Winter (Auch Im Winter) - Lufthansa German Airlines - c. 1935
Ottomar Anton
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Mediterranean, Canary Islands - Deutsche Afrika-Linien - c. 1935
Ottomar Anton
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98