Vintage Art
Jean d’Ylen Collection
Filver Products - Suspenders, Belts, Ties (Bretelle, Ceinture, Cravate) - c. 1930
Jean d’Ylen
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Plombières Thermal Baths - Vosges, France - c. 1931
Jean d’Ylen
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Bière Allary French Beer - Schneider Brewery - c. 1920
Jean d’Ylen
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Coffee and Teas at the Mandarines (Cafés Tés a los Mandarines)
Jean d’Ylen
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Cap Corse Quinquina - Quininated Aperitif Wine - L.N. Matteï - c. 1927
Jean d’Ylen
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Mackintosh’s Toffee de Luxe - a Tradition Worth Sharing - c. 1930
Jean d’Ylen
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Chick French Cigarettes from Virginia (de Virginie)
Jean d’Ylen
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Cottin & Desgouttes Automobiles - The Airplane of the Roads (L’Avion de la Route) - c. 1926
Jean d’Ylen
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Dunlop - The Tennis Ball of Champions (la Balle des Champions) - c. 1929
Jean d’Ylen
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Erasmic Beauty Soap (Savon de Beauté) - For the Toilet and the Bath - c. 1912
Jean d’Ylen
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Drink Brazilian Coffee - Brazil Supplies the World - c. 1931
Jean d’Ylen
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Shell Oil and Gasoline (Olio & Benzina) - The Powerful and Perfect Match - c. 1927
Jean d’Ylen
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Paris News (Nouvelles) - The Great Midday Daily - c. 1931
Jean d’Ylen
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98
Réchaud Furnus Stoves - Cook Everything Without Drying Out - c. 1926
Jean d’Ylen
20 options available$14.98 - $199.98